Selling a business can be complicated, complex, but in the end, rewarding. Many new business owners who want to sell their business become overwhelmed by the necessary steps of preparation for getting a business ready to sale. In this blog, I’m going to share my experience in consulting with dozens of business owners as they move along the process of the sale.
Before you sell your business, you want to do a check on these three things:
1. Internal Structure – Is your business…
2. Finances and Board – Do you have all the pieces…
3. Logistics and Inventory – Are all of your assets…
The positioning could include demystifying how a typical small business sale process works (because there are differences compared to large company sales), and it could address the topic of how can small business owners prepare their businesses for sale. But, to me, the true separation point is talking about the owner themselves – prepaing the owner and facing the issues outlines in 3c above. It is a known truth that a significant portion of small business owners go through a major let down in life after selling their business. I care about these business owners because to me they represent people who at one point in their life took a significant risk to be a business owner, have overcome that risk and made a successful life from it, and I have seen many (including my father) who have seen a let down in life after all selling.
I believe business owners should listen to the message on how to get themselves ready. There are many steps of preparation to really secure the path on selling a business and if you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way for… For more blogs and more information, please follow me at for more information and the services I provide.